Alveley Village Hall Committee 2021-22

The Alveley Village Hall Committee is made up of representatives of the groups and societies that use the hall, additionally there are co-opted members of the Community. During the year, the Committee organises fun and fund raising events.

The Committee meets regularly on the 3rd Thursday of the month and holds it's AGM in April where the Committee Officers are elected and matters effecting the hall are reviewed.



David James Deputy Chairman
 David Voysey Chairman
 Norma Crabtree Secretary
 Nick Thompson Treasurer
 Carol Hatfield Bookings Secretary/Deputy Chairman
Una Coombs  Publicity Officer


David James Alveley Petanque Club
Una Coombs Alveley Entertainers
 Pauline Cupitt WI
 Carol Hatfield The Squirrel Bowling Club
 Roger Barnes Bridgnorth Masonic Lodge

  Committee Members

Wendy Armitage Elected Member
Tony Head Elected Member
Deb Parker Elected Member
Norma Crabtree Elected Member
Keith Dawes Elected Member
Mil Styles Elected Member
James Thompson Elected Member


The Village Hall Committee welcome you to attend their AGM